My Favorites

Sunday, July 31, 2011

A New Novel, Part 300 The Crowning

31 July 2011, A New Novel, Part 300 The Crowning

For those who haven’t been following this blog, let me introduce it a little. I am currently blogging my 21st novel that has the working title Daemon. The novel is about Aksinya, a sorceress, who, to save her family from the Bolsheviks, called and contracted the demon, Asmodeus. Her family was murdered anyway, and she fled with the demon from Russia to Austria.

Father Dobrushin and Aksinya have decided to marry so that they can be rid of the demon.  We are continuing with the Orthodox marriage ceremony.  Father Makar continues with the marriage prayers...

Dobrushin called, “Let us pray to the Lord.”
Ekaterina replied, “Lord, have mercy.”
Father Makar prayed again, “Holy God, who fashioned man from dust, and from his rib built up a woman and yoked her to him as a helper like himself, for it was not pleasing to your greatness for man to be alone on earth, do you, Master, now send forth your hand from your holy dwelling, and link…”  He put Dobrushin’s right hand in Aksinya’s.  She held it tightly while Father Makar continued to pray, “…your servant Dobrushin Sergeevich Lopuhin and your servant Princess Aksinya Georgovna Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov the Countess of Golitsyna, because it is by you that a wife is linked to her husband. Yoke them together in likeness of mind. Crown them into one flesh. Grant them fruit of the womb, enjoyment of fair offspring. For yours is the might, and yours the kingdom, the power and the glory, of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages.”
Father Makar took the two crowns from the altar.  He lifted the silver one over Dobrushin’s head, “The servant of God, Dobrushin Sergeevich Lopuhin, takes as his crown the servant of God, Princess Aksinya Georgovna Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov the Countess of Golitsyna, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”  He lowered the crown on Dobrushin’s head while stating this three times.  Then he made the sign of the cross three times on each of them.
Father Makar took the gold crown and held it over Aksinya’s head, “The servant of God, Princess Aksinya Georgovna Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov the Countess of Golitsyna, takes as her crown the servant of God, Dobrushin Sergeevich Lopuhin, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”  He said this three times as he slowly lowered the crown to her head.  He made the sign of the cross three times on each of them again.
He chanted three times, “Lord our God, crown them with honor and glory.”

Now we get to the crowning.  The crowning is the high point in an Orthodox wedding.  The significance of the crowns is they represent the marriage of Christ with the church.  The woman represents the church, her crown is silver, and the man represents Christ, his crown is gold.  The man's crown is placed on the woman and the woman's crown on the man.  The rings of betrothal then during their lives represent the crowns.

The point in this scene and in this novel is that marriage represents an important element in Christian thought.  Aksinya was crowned before this through her reliance (you could say faith) in Christ.  Do you remember whom she told the demon now owns her soul.  The marriage directly represents this point of salvation.  Further, now the crown of Christ is a crown that represents Dobrushin.  The image isn't that Dobrushin is Christ or that Aksinya is the church, but rather that Christian faith and the imagery of the novel is being played out in this ceremony.  That is the point.  It will have more meaning in the context of what happens in the next chapter.  Tomorrow, prayers following the crowning.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

A New Novel, Part 299 The Two Shall Become One Flesh

30 July 2011, A New Novel, Part 299 The Two Shall Become One Flesh

For those who haven’t been following this blog, let me introduce it a little. I am currently blogging my 21st novel that has the working title Daemon. The novel is about Aksinya, a sorceress, who, to save her family from the Bolsheviks, called and contracted the demon, Asmodeus. Her family was murdered anyway, and she fled with the demon from Russia to Austria.

Father Dobrushin and Aksinya have decided to marry so that they can be rid of the demon.  We are continuing with the Orthodox marriage ceremony.  Father Makar continues with the marriage prayers...

Dobrushin, “Let us pray to the Lord.”
“Lord, have mercy.”
Father Makar prayed, “Blessed are you, Lord our God, sacred Celebrant of the mystical and most pure marriage, Lawgiver of bodily marriage, Guardian of incorruption, loving Steward of our livelihood. In the beginning, Master, you fashioned man and established him as king of creation, and said, ‘It is not good for man to be alone on the earth. Let us make him a helper like himself.’ And taking one of his ribs you fashioned a woman. When Adam saw her he said, ‘Now this is bone from my bones and flesh from my flesh. She will be called ‘woman’ because she was taken from her man. For this reason a man will leave behind his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’. And ‘Those whom God has joined together, let no human separate’. Now, Master, Lord our God, send down your heavenly grace also on these servants of yours, Dobrushin Sergeevich Lopuhin and Princess Aksinya Georgovna Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov the Countess of Golitsyna, and grant that this handmaid of yours may be subject in all things to her husband and that this servant of yours may be the head of his wife, so that they may live in accordance with your will. Bless them, Lord our God, as you blessed Abraham and Sara.  Bless them, Lord our God, as you blessed Isaac and Rebecca.  Bless them, Lord our God, as you blessed Jacob and all the Patriarchs.  Bless them, Lord our God, as you blessed Joseph and Aseneth. Bless them, Lord our God, as you blessed Moses and Sepphora. Bless them, Lord our God, as you blessed Joachim and Anna.  Bless them, Lord our God, as you blessed Zachary and Elisabeth.  Preserve them, Lord our God, as you preserved NoĆ« in the Ark. Preserve them, Lord our God, as you preserved Jonas in the belly of the whale.  Preserve them, Lord our God, as you preserved the three holy Youths from the fire, by sending down on them dew from heaven.  And let the joy come upon them that the blessed Helen had when she found the precious Cross.  Remember them, Lord our God, as you remembered Enoch, Sem and Elias.  Remember them, Lord our God, as you remembered the holy Forty Martyrs, sending down on them crowns from heaven.  Remember also, Lord our God, the parents who have brought them up, for the prayers of parents make firm the foundations of households.  Remember, Lord our God, your servants, who have come together to share this joy.  Remember, Lord our God, your servant Dobrushin Sergeevich Lopuhin and your servant Princess Aksinya Georgovna Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov the Countess of Golitsyna, and bless them.  Give them the fruit of the womb, fair offspring, concord of soul and body.  Exalt them like the cedars of Lebanon, like a well-cultured vine.  Grant then rich harvest, so that, having all sufficiency for themselves, they may overflow into every good work that is also well-pleasing to you, and that they may see their children’s children like newly planted olive trees all around their table. And, having been well pleasing to you, may they shine like beacons in heaven, in you our Lord, to whom belong all glory might, honor and worship, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages.”

I know these are long prayers and the ceremony is long, but I already made the point that this applies to the entire scope of the novel.  Just as the book of Tobit is very important to the plot and theme, likewise, the concept of marriage as a covenant and contract is critical to the theme.  You will soon see how it fits into the plot as well.

This prayer is another great blessing and prayer of preservation.  It is important to note, this ceremony is the one that united Tzars and Tzarinas and common men and women alike.  It is the foundation of an orthodox wedding.  Tomorrow, the yoking.

Friday, July 29, 2011

A New Novel, Part 298 Preserve Their Marriage Bed Unassailed

29 July 2011, A New Novel, Part 298 Preserve Their Marriage Bed Unassailed

For those who haven’t been following this blog, let me introduce it a little. I am currently blogging my 21st novel that has the working title Daemon. The novel is about Aksinya, a sorceress, who, to save her family from the Bolsheviks, called and contracted the demon, Asmodeus. Her family was murdered anyway, and she fled with the demon from Russia to Austria.

Father Dobrushin and Aksinya have decided to marry so that they can be rid of the demon.  We are continuing with the Orthodox marriage ceremony.  Father Makar continues with the marriage prayers...

Ekaterina, “To you, O Lord.”
Father Makar, “For to you belong all glory, honor and worship, to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages.”
They replied, “Amen.”
Dobrushin announced, “Let us pray to the Lord.”
Ekaterina, “Lord, have mercy.”
Father Makar prayed, “God most pure, Author of all creation, through your love for mankind you transformed the rib of our forefather Adam into a woman and blessed them saying, ‘Increase and multiply and have dominion over the earth’, and declared them both to be one through wedlock, ‘for because of this a man will abandon his father and mother and be attached to his own wife, and the two shall become one flesh’ and ‘those whom God has joined together, let no human separate’.  You blessed your servant Abraham and opened Sara’s womb, making him the father of many nations.  You gave Isaac to Rebecca and blessed her offspring.  You joined Jacob with Rachel and from him revealed the Twelve Patriarchs.  You yoked together Joseph and Aseneth and gave them as the fruit of their union Ephraim and Manassee.  You accepted Zachary and Elisabeth and declared their offspring to be the Forerunner.  You made the Ever-Virgin spring from the root of Jesse according to the flesh, and from her you became incarnate and were born for the salvation of the human race.  Through your ineffable gift and great goodness you were present in Cana of Galilee and blessed the marriage there, to show that lawful wedlock and the begetting of children that comes from it is your will.  All-holy Master, accept the entreaty of us, your suppliants, and, as you were present there, be present here also with your invisible protection.  Bless this marriage and grant to these servants of yours, Dobrushin Sergeevich Lopuhin and Princess Aksinya Georgovna Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov the Countess of Golitsyna, a peaceful life, length of days, chastity, love for each other in the bond of peace, long-lived offspring, grace in their children and an unfading crown of glory.  Grant that they may see their children’s children.  Preserve their marriage bed unassailed.  Give them of the dew of heaven from on high and of the richness of the earth.  Fill their houses with wheat, wine and oil and every good thing, so that they may also share them with those in need.  Grant also to those here with them all their requests that are for salvation. Because you are a God of mercy and compassion and love for humankind, and to you we give glory, together with your Father who has no beginning, and your all-holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages.”

The picture of marriage is portrayed in this prayer.  This is a foreshadowing to the consummation of marriage.  We know that this must occur.  We also know the demon will try to kill Dobrushin if he can.  The prayer reminds us of the purpose of marriage and the orthodox understanding of marriage.

This is a straight petition for the protection of the marriage and these two people.  The ideas fit perfectly in the fabric of this novel.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

A New Novel, Part 297 Glory to You, Our God

28 July 2011, A New Novel, Part 297 Glory to You, Our God

For those who haven’t been following this blog, let me introduce it a little. I am currently blogging my 21st novel that has the working title Daemon. The novel is about Aksinya, a sorceress, who, to save her family from the Bolsheviks, called and contracted the demon, Asmodeus. Her family was murdered anyway, and she fled with the demon from Russia to Austria.

Father Dobrushin and Aksinya have decided to marry so that they can be rid of the demon.  We are continuing with the Orthodox marriage ceremony.  Father Makar continues with the marriage prayers...

Matushka Ekaterina replied, “Glory to you, our God, glory to you.” 
She continued the same reply following Father Makar’s petitions, “Who walk in his ways.  Glory to you, our God, glory to you.  You will eat the fruits of your labors. Glory to you, our God, glory to you.  Blessed are you, and it will be well with you.  Glory to you, our God, glory to you.  You wife like a fruitful vine on the sides of your house.  Glory to you, our God, glory to you.  Your children like newly planted olive trees all around your table.  Glory to you, our God, glory to you.  See, this is how one who fears the Lord will be blessed.  Glory to you, our God, glory to you.  May the Lord bless you from Zion, and may you see the good things of Jerusalem all the days of your life.  Glory to you, our God, glory to you.  And may you see your children’s children. Peace upon Israel.  Glory to you, our God, glory to you.”
Dobrushin stated, “Master, give the blessing.”
Father Makar faced toward the east and lifted up the Gospel book, “Blessed is the Kingdom of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages.”
They replied, “Amen.”
Father Makar stated, “In peace, let us pray to the Lord.”
Matushka Ekaterina called, “Lord, have mercy.”
Father Makar prayed, and in response to each petition, Ekaterina replied, “Lord have mercy.”
“For the peace from on high and for the salvation of our souls, let us pray to the Lord.  For the peace of the whole world, for the welfare of the holy Churches of God, and for the union of all, let us pray to the Lord.  For this holy house, and for those who enter it with faith, reverence and the fear of God, let us pray to the Lord.  For Tikhon of Moscow 11th Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, for the honored order of presbyters, for the diaconate in Christ, for all the clergy and the people, let us pray to the Lord.  For the servants of God Dobrushin Sergeevich Lopuhin and Princess Aksinya Georgovna Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov the Countess of Golitsyna, who are now being joined with one another in the communion of marriage, and for their salvation, let us pray to the Lord.  For this marriage to be blessed like that in Cana of Galilee let us pray to the Lord.  For them to be granted chastity and the fruit of the womb as may be expedient for them, let us pray to the Lord.  For them to be given the joy of seeing sons and daughters, let us pray to the Lord.  For them to be granted the delight of the blessing of children and a life without accusation, let us pray to the Lord.  For us and them to be given every request that is for salvation, let us pray to the Lord.  For their and our deliverance from all affliction, wrath, danger and constraint, let us pray to the Lord.  Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and keep us, O God, by your grace.  Commemorating our all-holy, pure, most blessed and glorious Lady, Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us entrust ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.” 

I want my readers to get the full experience of an Orthodox wedding.  I'd like to give it to you in Russian or Greek, but lack of comprehension would miss the point of understanding the full power of the meaning in the context of this novel.

The first part is the glory to God.  The second is the blessings.  The importance of these are their richness in the cultural context and the metaphor of marriage in the novel.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A New Novel, Part 296 The Betrothal is Complete

27 July 2011, A New Novel, Part 296 The Betrothal is Complete

For those who haven’t been following this blog, let me introduce it a little. I am currently blogging my 21st novel that has the working title Daemon. The novel is about Aksinya, a sorceress, who, to save her family from the Bolsheviks, called and contracted the demon, Asmodeus. Her family was murdered anyway, and she fled with the demon from Russia to Austria.

Father Dobrushin and Aksinya have decided to marry so that they can be rid of the demon.  We are continuing with the Orthodox marriage ceremony.  The betrothal is first...

Dobrushin announced, “Let us pray to the Lord.”
Ekaterina, “Lord, have mercy.”
Father Makar prayed, “Lord our God, you journeyed with the servant of the Patriarch Abraham in Mesopotamia when he was sent to obtain a wife for his lord Isaac, and by means of drawing water you revealed that he should betroth Rebecca. Bless the betrothal of your servants Dobrushin Sergeevich Lopuhin and Princess Aksinya Georgovna Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov the Countess of Golitsyna and make firm the word that they have spoken. Confirm them with the holy unity that comes from you. For it was you who in the beginning created male and female, and it is by you that woman is linked to man as a helper and for the continuation of the human race. Therefore, Lord our God, who sent truth out to your inheritance and your promise to your servants, our fathers, your elect in every generation, look on your servant Dobrushin Sergeevich Lopuhin and your servant Princess Aksinya Georgovna Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov the Countess of Golitsyna, and make firm their betrothal in faith and concord and truth and love. For it is you, Lord, who declared that times a pledge is to be given and made firm in everything. By a ring authority was given to Joseph in Egypt. By a ring Daniel was glorified in the country of Babylon. By a ring the truth of Thamar was revealed. By a ring our heavenly Father showed compassion to the prodigal son. For he said, ‘Put a ring on his hand and bring out and slay the fatted calf, and let us eat and be joyful’. It was your right hand, Lord, that armed Moses at the Red Sea, for through your true word the heavens were made firm and the earth set on its foundations. And the right hand of your servants will be blessed by your mighty word and by your upraised arm. Therefore, Master, with your heavenly blessing now bless also this putting-on of rings. And may an Angel of the Lord go before them all the days of their lives. For you are the One who blesses and sanctifies all things, and to you we give glory, to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages.
They said, “Amen.”
Father Makar announced, “The betrothal is complete.  Now we can begin the crowning and marriage.”  He continued, “Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.  Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.  It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep.  Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.  Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth.  Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them!  He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.  Blessed are those who fear the Lord.”

The entire betrothal and marriage is a metaphor for this entire novel.  Do not forget that Aksinya and the demon are contracted.  Aksinya has declared her new allegiance, but she is still bound to the demon.  A marriage is a contract, a covenant.  Aksinya and Dobrushin are making a contract and the rings are their surety.  The rings represent themselves.  They are betrothed.

This is a metaphor through the entire novel, that is, marriage is the picture of Aksinya's relationship with the demon, with Dobrushin, with Christ, and with God.  The imagery of Rebbecca and Issac continues.

The imagery of the rings is brought out in the prayer.  Then the betrothal is complete and the marriage begins.  This begins with the preface prayer.  Tomorrow, the marriage continues.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A New Novel, Part 295 Peace to All

26 July 2011, A New Novel, Part 295 Peace to All

For those who haven’t been following this blog, let me introduce it a little. I am currently blogging my 21st novel that has the working title Daemon. The novel is about Aksinya, a sorceress, who, to save her family from the Bolsheviks, called and contracted the demon, Asmodeus. Her family was murdered anyway, and she fled with the demon from Russia to Austria.

Father Dobrushin and Aksinya have decided to marry so that they can be rid of the demon.  We are continuing with the Orthodox marriage ceremony...

Father Makar, “For to you belong all glory, honor and worship, to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages.”
Ekaterina, Dobrushin, and Aksinya answered, “Amen.”
Dobrushin bowed his head, “Let us pray to the Lord.”
Ekaterina replied, “Lord, have mercy.”
Father Makar prayed, “Eternal God, who brought into unity what had been separated and establish an unbreakable bond of agreement; who blessed Isaac and Rebecca, and declared them to be the heirs of your promise; bless these servants of yours also, guiding them in every good work.  Because you, O God, are merciful and love mankind, and to you we give glory, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages.”
The others answered, “Amen.”
Father Makar, “Peace to all.”
Matushka Ekaterina, “And to your spirit.”
Dobrushin stated, “Bow your heads to the Lord.”
Matushka Ekaterina answered, “To you, O Lord.”
Father Makar prayed, “Lord, our God, who once betrothed yourself to the Church from the nations as a pure virgin, bless this betrothal, and unite and preserve these servants of yours in peace and concord.  For to you belong all glory, honor and worship, to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages.”
They all replied, “Amen.”
Father Makar approached the altar.  The rings sat beside a golden dish near the center of the Holy Table.  The gold ring was on the left and the silver ring on the right.  They touched one another.  Also on the table were two crowns, one golden and one silver and a golden cup.  Father Makar placed the rings on the dish and turned first to Dobrushin.  He took the gold ring and with it made the sign of the cross three times on Dobrushin’s forehead, “The servant of God Dobrushin Sergeevich Lopuhin betroths himself to the servant of God Princess Aksinya Georgovna Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov the Countess of Golitsyna, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”  Father Makar took the silver ring and with it made the sign of the cross three times on Aksinya’s forehead, “The servant of God Princess Aksinya Georgovna Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov the Countess of Golitsyna betroths herself to the servant of God Dobrushin Sergeevich Lopuhin, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”  He then placed the rings on their right fingers.
With a smile, Matushka Ekaterina exchanged the rings between Aksinya and Dobrushin.

Father Makar completes the prayers.  If you look carefully at them, they provide themselves a metaphor to everything that has been happening in the novel.  First Rebecka and Issac then God to the church.  These precede the betrothal through the giving of the rings. 

The rings are symbols of perfection and eternity.  They are gold and silver.  The woman wears the golden ring representing the husband's dedication, and the man wears the silver ring that represents the wife's dedication.  The rings are placed on the right and opposite person's fingers.  They are then exchanged to the proper person's right hand ring fingers.  The wedding band on the left hand is an American trait and not a European or orthodox tradition.

Monday, July 25, 2011

A New Novel, Part 294 Do You Wish to Marry this Man?

25 July 2011, A New Novel, Part 294 Do You Wish to Marry this Man?

For those who haven’t been following this blog, let me introduce it a little. I am currently blogging my 21st novel that has the working title Daemon. The novel is about Aksinya, a sorceress, who, to save her family from the Bolsheviks, called and contracted the demon, Asmodeus. Her family was murdered anyway, and she fled with the demon from Russia to Austria.

Father Dobrushin and Aksinya have decided to marry so that they can be rid of the demon.  We are continuing with the Orthodox marriage ceremony...

Father Makar turned and censed the sanctuary in the sign of the cross.  He stepped through the doors and continued to cense in the shape of a cross at each step.  Dobrushin stepped behind Father Makar and Aksinya still on his arm came with him.  Behind them followed Ekaterina.
Father Makar continued onto the platform and to the altar.  Dobrushin stopped just before the platform.  After Father Makar censed the altar, he put the censer in its stand and returned to them.  He turned to Aksinya, “Princess Aksinya Georgovna Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov the Countess of Golitsyna, do you wish to marry this man, Dobrushin Sergeevich Lopuhin?”
“I do wish to marry him.”
“Dobrushin Sergeevich Lopuhin, do you wish to marry this woman, Princess Aksinya Georgovna Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov the Countess of Golitsyna?”
“I do.  Master, give the blessing.”
Father Makar’s brow rose in surprise that Dobrushin spoke the deacon’s part but he continued, “Blessed is our God, always, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages.”
Ekaterina pronounced, “Amen.”
Father Makar stated, “In peace, let us pray to the Lord.”
Ekaterina replied, “Lord, have mercy.”
Father Makar prayed, and after each petition, Ekaterina replied “Lord, have mercy.”  He started, “For the peace from on high and for the salvation of our souls, let us pray to the Lord.  For the peace of the whole world, for the welfare of the holy Churches of God, and for the union of all, let us pray to the Lord.  For this holy house, and for those who enter it with faith, reverence and the fear of God, let us pray to the Lord.  For Tikhon of Moscow 11th Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, for the honored order of presbyters, for the diaconate in Christ, for all the clergy and the people, let us pray to the Lord.  For the servant of God Dobrushin Sergeevich Lopuhin and the servant of God Princess Aksinya Georgovna Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov the Countess of Golitsyna, who are now being betrothed to one another, and for their salvation, let us pray to the Lord.  That they may be granted children for the continuation of the race and all their requests that are for their salvation, let us pray to the Lord.  That there may sent down to them perfect and peaceful love and help, let us pray to the Lord.  That they may be kept in concord and sure faith, let us pray to the Lord.  That they may be blessed with concord and sure faith, let us pray to the Lord.  That they may be preserved with a blameless manner and way of life, let us pray to the Lord.  That the Lord, our God, may grant them honorable marriage and a bed without defilement, let us pray to the Lord.  For our deliverance from all affliction, wrath, danger and constraint, let us pray to the Lord.  Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and keep us, O God, by your grace.  Commemorating our all-holy, pure, most blessed and glorious Lady, Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us entrust ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.”
Matushka Ekaterina replied, “To you, O Lord.”

Okay, here with go with the whole 9 yards.  I did cut the prayers a little, as you will see, but in general, I give you it all.  Now, an Orthodox marriage is like this.  First there is a betrothal.  The betrothal can go for a year or a minute before the actual marriage.  You must have the betrothal.  Then there is the marriage itself.  The couple is not married at the end of the betrothal--they are at the end of the marriage.

After cleansing (censing) the altar, the first step is the declaration.  This is the question of intent for the marriage (betrothal).  The bride then the groom is asked.  Dobrushin recites the deacon's part and surprises Father Makar.  Ekaterina should not technically do the deacon's part, so Dobrushin is taking a burden from Makar and from Ekaterina.  Then the prayers begin.  Okay the prayers are long--that's why I condensed them a little.  Tomorrow, more prayers. 

Sunday, July 24, 2011

A New Novel, Part 293 Do You Have the Rings?

24 July 2011, A New Novel, Part 293 Do You Have the Rings?

For those who haven’t been following this blog, let me introduce it a little. I am currently blogging my 21st novel that has the working title Daemon. The novel is about Aksinya, a sorceress, who, to save her family from the Bolsheviks, called and contracted the demon, Asmodeus. Her family was murdered anyway, and she fled with the demon from Russia to Austria.

Father Dobrushin and Aksinya have decided to marry so that they can be rid of the demon.  This is the beginning of the Orthodox marriage ceremony...

Properly accoutered for his role to administer a sacrament, he lit the incense and prepared the altar.  All the while, Aksinya and Dobrushin waited in the Narthex.
The scent of the incense came first to Aksinya.  She breathed it in.  Her heart was full.  She felt nothing but joy.  Perhaps it was impossible for her to feel apprehension anymore.  Still, the crucifix between her breasts did not burn, and she felt no pain in her body.  She was excited and filled with desire, but that didn’t seem to bother her at all.
Finally, Matushka Ekaterina entered the narthex.  She placed Aksinya on the left and Dobrushin on the right.  Then she asked, “Dobrushin, do you have the rings?”
Dobrushin searched in the pockets of his vest and brought out a box.  He placed this in Ekaterina’s outstretched hands.  Aksinya watched wide-eyed.  Ekaterina noticed.  She opened the box for her, and Aksinya saw two simple bands, one silver and one gold.  Aksinya sighed, she clasped more tightly to Dobrushin’s arm.  Ekaterina took the box with the rings into the sanctuary and stepped to the altar, the Holy Table.  Through the Holy Doors of the sanctuary, Aksinya saw Father Makar take the rings from the box and place them on the altar.  He picked up the censer.  From the Christ candle, Ekaterina lit two small candles then she led Father Makar back to the Holy Doors where Aksinya and Dobrushin waited.
Father Makar entered the narthex and came first to Dobrushin.  He made the sign of the cross once on Dobrushin’s forehead, then on Aksinya’s forehead.  He repeated the sign a second and then a third time on their foreheads.  Ekaterina handed the lighted candles to Father Makar and he gave one to Dobrushin and one to Aksinya.
Father Makar turned and censed the sanctuary in the sign of the cross.  He stepped through the doors and continued to cense in the shape of a cross at each step.  Dobrushin stepped behind Father Makar and Aksinya still on his arm came with him.  Behind them followed Ekaterina.

I debated whether to give you the whole of the chapter and the whole of the marriage ceremony.  I decided that the imagery was too important to leave out.  This is a piece of history that may never be found in this kind of source again.  I do this in many of my novels.  I will admit that I did condense the Orthodox Mass in Hestia, but that was at the advice of one of my prepub readers.  I like to include the entirety of documents and historical information.  That is part of my style and part of the way I ensure historical accuracy.

Father Makar is ready to begin the ceremony.  He prepares the altar.  Then I give you Aksinya's impression of the scene.  This is an important part of the scene setting for the marriage.  Through Aksinya, I show you many important points.  First, the smells of the place.  Second, her joy.  Third, her lack of pain (her reconciliation with God).  Fourth, her excitement and desire.  It is a proper desire now--she feels no guilt.

Ekaterina places Aksinya and Dobrushin then asks for the rings.  Do you notice, Aksinya didn't expect for there to be rings.  She likely knew there should be rings, but Dobrushin has prepared.  He has a ring for her and a ring for him.  Ekaterina shows the rings to Aksinya.  Aksinya's response is to cling more tightly to Dobrushin--this has become a metaphor for her love and acceptance of him. 

The next step is the blessing of the rings.  Ekaterina gets the candles, and she and Father Makar come to the Narthex.  We see the events in the marriage ceremony.  We begin outside the Nave with the blessing of the bride and groom.  Then they are given candles to enter.  They enter the nave with the censer blessing each step.  Aksinya still clings to Dobrushin.  Tomorrow, at the altar.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

A New Novel, Part 292 Aksinya and Dobrushin Waited in the Narthex

23 July 2011, A New Novel, Part 292 Aksinya and Dobrushin Waited in the Narthex

For those who haven’t been following this blog, let me introduce it a little. I am currently blogging my 21st novel that has the working title Daemon. The novel is about Aksinya, a sorceress, who, to save her family from the Bolsheviks, called and contracted the demon, Asmodeus. Her family was murdered anyway, and she fled with the demon from Russia to Austria.

Father Dobrushin and Aksinya have decided to marry so that they can be rid of the demon.  Father Makar agreed.  This is the beginning of chapter 21 and the marriage ceremony...

Inside the Ecclesia, Matushka Ekaterina lit the gas lamps and then the candles.  In the sacristy, the Archpriest, Father Makar donned his robes. He put on each piece with a prayer.  Over his white robe, the sticharion, he put his head through the epitrachelion, his stole, and carefully straightened it.  He placed laced cuffs, the epimanikia, over the sleeves of his sticharion and loosely tied them.  They represented manacles, the chains that bound him into the service of God.  He tied a cloth belt, the zone over the epitrachelion and sticharion.  On his right side he suspended his nabedrennik with a strap that he drew over his left shoulder.  A further diamond-shaped epigonation partially covered the nabedrennik and was also held in place by another strap over his left shoulder.  He intentionally left off the omophorion, but still mouthed its prayer and kissed it.  He bowed his head and placed over his neck the chain of his pectoral cross which was quite fine and his engolpion, a medallion with the icon of Christ in its center.  Over everything, he donned a beautiful silver phelonion that was covered with gold stitching and decorations.  It was large, conical, and sleeveless, with an open front so his hands were free.  At the collar, he buttoned the high varkas that matched his phelonion and at the back rose as high as the top of his head.  Father Makar completed everything with a crossless mitre on his head and a final prayer. 
Properly accoutered for his role to administer a sacrament, he lit the incense and prepared the altar.  All the while, Aksinya and Dobrushin waited in the Narthex.

You already know the place.  I don't give another description of the Ecclesia, instead, all I need to do is tell you it is the Ecclesia.  It is dark--I don't describe this either.  I show you Ekaterina lighting the candles and lamps.  Then, the rest is about Father Makar preparing for the sacrament.

This is an important metaphor and point.  The first, is that Father Makar is going to all this trouble for his friend.  There may be bad feelings and tension, but Makar still wishes to honor his God and his friend.  The second is all the importance around each piece of the accouterments worn by an Orthodox priest.  I don't tell you all their meanings.  I simply tell you the pieces, their order, and that prayer accompanies each as it goes on.  The importance in this description is that you see how important this is to Makar and incidentally to Ekaterina, Aksinya, and Dobrushin.  This is the element of their belief and their faith.  It is the power of the elements--their symbols and not themselves.

The final sentence simply puts it all together:  Properly accoutered for his role to administer a sacrament, he lit the incense and prepared the altar.  All the while, Aksinya and Dobrushin waited in the Narthex.  Tomorrow, we begin.

Friday, July 22, 2011

A New Novel, Part 291 I Will Not Untie Your Crowns Either

22 July 2011, A New Novel, Part 291 I Will Not Untie Your Crowns Either

For those who haven’t been following this blog, let me introduce it a little. I am currently blogging my 21st novel that has the working title Daemon. The novel is about Aksinya, a sorceress, who, to save her family from the Bolsheviks, called and contracted the demon, Asmodeus. Her family was murdered anyway, and she fled with the demon from Russia to Austria.

Father Dobrushin and Aksinya have decided to marry so that they can be rid of the demon.  Aksinya asks Father Makar to marry them.  Ekaterina encourages her husband...

Ekaterina put her hand on Father Makar’s, “Makaruska, do you really wish them to be wed anywhere but here?  They intend to do this.  You know Dobrushin’s purpose.  Grant them this small gift.  I shall witness and you shall witness.  Anything else would be wrong.  You know that.”
Father Makar sighed, “I do understand.  I just do not want to encourage this foolishness.”
Ekaterina stared at him, “This is not a sin.  There is nothing wrong with marriage or marrying them.  She is a Princess.  He is the son of a Count.  Their ranks are unmatched but acceptable.  They would not come here together like this if they did not both agree.  Do this for them and that will be the end of it all.”
“The end of it all?” asked Aksinya around Dobrushin.
“The end of these matters that have plagued Father Makar since you came to the Ecclesia last year.”
Aksinya turned them a curious look.
Dobrushin quickly continued, “Please, Father Makar, marry us and that will be the last favor I ask of you.  We will go, and you will likely not see us again.”
“I will marry you, but you will not stay under this roof any more.  I told you that when you left before.  That means I will not untie your crowns either.”
“I understand.  That was the agreement we made.”
“Come then.  Quickly.”
They stood.  Dobrushin helped Aksinya take off her new coat.  Ekaterina kissed Aksinya’s cheeks.  She brushed Aksinya’s lengthening hair.  Then they entered the Ecclesia together

We have seen a lot that be knew about Father Makar, but we also discovered much that we didn't.  Much of this has been implied but not shown directly.  In this conversation, we learn about reasons and times and estrangement.

Ekaterina wants Father Makar to marry them--she doesn't see any harm in it.  She may or may not know what Dobrushin and Aksinya plan.  We get some indications that both Father Makar and Ekaterina know.  I don't give you this insight.  Ekaterina strongly gives the impression that they know.  She says:  "You know Dobrushin’s purpose.  Grant them this small gift."

The completion of this idea is then:  “I do understand.  I just do not want to encourage this foolishness.”  Ekaterina makes the argument for Aksinya and Dobrushin.  Then we get a repeat of information you might have wondered about.  Ekaterina says it clearly here.  To the church and to these people, the noble ranks are still important.

Watch Aksinya's response.  She is not cowering behind Dobrushin, but he is her cover and her protection.  She has to speak around him to get to Makar and Ekaterina.  Then Ekaterina tells them all that Makar has had a problem with all this since Aksinya showed up at their door.  It was the door Dobrushin opened for Aksinya.

Father Makar relents with Dobrushin's request--he begs, but Father Makar makes clear, he doesn't want Dobrushin and Aksinya to remain in the rectory.  He knows what is going on and will not give them the protection of the Ecclesia against the demon.  The demon, in Makar's mind is imaginary after all.  Ekaterina isn't sure what to believe.  She fights for the marriage, but not for the right to stay.  This is unsaid and not that important to the plot, but it is the unspoken undercurrent here.

The reference to untying the crowns refers to the crowns that are placed on the heads of a couple when they are married.  In the past, they wore these crowns for a week and at a ceremony in the church, their crowns were untied.  This was likely due to the fact that the crowns were commonly owned by the church and loaned for the wedding. Today, most just buy their own crowns.  The ceremony of untying the crowns is still done in many Orthodox churches.  There is an important metaphor here.  Though Aksinya and Dobrushin will be married, their crowns will not be untied.  They will be united in this permanently.  This was intentional.  Father Makar means that he will not lend the crowns to them for the week--we see in it, that their crowns will be permanent.  This is a subtheme in the book--that of marriage and everything around it.

There is more to this than anyone is speaking.  Listen to Dobrushin:  “I understand.  That was the agreement we made.”  Makar and Dobrushin already worked this out.  Father Makar needed convincing again.  Perhaps he thought Aksinya would be convicted by the courts and Dobrushin would not have any chance of marrying her.  Again, there is much that was not said here.

Now, look at the preparation: Dobrushin helped Aksinya take off her new coat.  Ekaterina kissed Aksinya’s cheeks.  She brushed Aksinya’s lengthening hair.  Then they entered the Ecclesia together.  This is all a metaphor in these simple statements.  Aksinya had not taken off her coat.  He takes it off her.  This is the simple welcoming to the Ecclesia.  It also is significant that he bought it for her, and that he took it off her.  Do you remember her dress?  It is white wool--a dress suitable for a virgin bride.  Then Ekaterina kisses Aksinya.  Aksinya was welcomed before, but this is official.  It is the welcome of one bride to another.  Ekaterina brushes Aksinya's hair.  You know the hair image.  Aksinya's contract was with the demon--now Aksinya will enter into a contract with Dobrushin.  There is great power in this.  Note, the hair is lengthening.  Tomorrow, the marriage begins.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

A New Novel, Part 290 Are You Both Idiots?

21 July 2011, A New Novel, Part 290 Are You Both Idiots?

For those who haven’t been following this blog, let me introduce it a little. I am currently blogging my 21st novel that has the working title Daemon. The novel is about Aksinya, a sorceress, who, to save her family from the Bolsheviks, called and contracted the demon, Asmodeus. Her family was murdered anyway, and she fled with the demon from Russia to Austria.

Father Dobrushin and Aksinya have decided to marry so that they can get rid of the demon.  We discover Dobrushin has given up his position in the Ecclesia for Aksinya.  Father Makar thinks Aksinya is insane...

Father Makar squinted, “Look how she clings to you.  Didn’t I tell you before, Dobrushin, she displays every indication of insanity?  You traded your future for this,” he pointed at Aksinya.
“I know what I have done.”
“You spent all your remaining funds on her too.”
“I have bought a pearl of great price.”
“You are insane, Dobrushin.  Why did you come back here?  What do you want from me?”
Aksinya stuck her head forward, a little around Dobrushin, “We came to ask you to marry us.”
“To marry you?  Are you both idiots?  Dobrushin, what have you traded your future for?”
Dobrushin set his features, “Father Makar, we will be married whether you do it or not.  We need to be married immediately.  Either you do it or the Rathaus.”
“The Rathaus is closed for the day.”
Dobrushin grimaced, “This may be a matter of life and death.  We had to make our plans.  I had to propose.  It was too late after that.”
Father Makar snorted, “You know what I think about all of this.  Why don’t you go find a priest who will marry you tomorrow?”
“You know the problem.  The Catholics have excommunicated Princess Aksinya.  The Rathaus will do it, but this is a sacrament.”
“Others might do it for you.”
Ekaterina put her hand on Father Makar’s, “Makaruska, do you really wish them to be wed anywhere but here?  They intend to do this.  You know Dobrushin’s purpose.  Grant them this small gift.  I shall witness and you shall witness.  Anything else would be wrong.  You know that.”
Father Makar sighed, “I do understand.  I just do not want to encourage this foolishness.”

We learn more--Dobrushin spent the rest of his money on Aksinya (paying off her debt).  Do you remember Aksinya's comments about purchasing her.  Dobrushin confirms this metaphor with his response: “I have bought a pearl of great price.”  This is a Biblical metaphor that means he has paid to purchase something of great spiritual value.

Father Makar isn't pleased.  He rants and then asks why they came to the Ecclesia.  Aksinya exerts herself here.  She has made up her mind and she wishes to marry Dobrushin.  Dobrushin lays it out: either the Ecclesia or the Rathaus.  This is all bluster--the Rathaus is closed.  Dobrushin is a little off with his argument, but you could tell that.  He makes his point, but he isn't exactly correct.  The others that Father Makar means are the nonCatholic and nonOrthodox churches.  That is not necessarily likely in this culture, but they could try.  Dobrushin and Aksinya see this as a point of life and death.  There is a criticality in speed.

Ekaterina finally steps in to provide her quiet and gentle argument.  Tomorrow, what we shall do.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A New Novel, Part 289 You Traded Your Future for This?

20 July 2011, A New Novel, Part 289 You Traded Your Future for This?

For those who haven’t been following this blog, let me introduce it a little. I am currently blogging my 21st novel that has the working title Daemon. The novel is about Aksinya, a sorceress, who, to save her family from the Bolsheviks, called and contracted the demon, Asmodeus. Her family was murdered anyway, and she fled with the demon from Russia to Austria.

Father Dobrushin and Aksinya have decided to marry so that they can get rid of the demon.  They need to be married by contract in the church.  They return to the Ecclesia for this reason.  Father Makar doesn't give them a very warm welcome...

“Yes,” Aksinya still held to Father Dobrushin with one hand.  She put her other arm around Ekaterina, “Father Dobrushin defended me.  I am not going to prison.”
Father Makar sat at the table.  He scowled at them, “You should call him Dobrushin or Herr Lopuhin.”
Aksinya asked, “Why?”   
“Didn’t you note his beard, his clothing?  He is no longer a priest because of you.”
“Because of me?”
“Dobrushin, didn’t you tell her.  I can’t believe she is so slow.  I would not permit Dobrushin to defend you in court.  Because he opposed me, I took away his right to ordination in this Ecclesia.  When I send my report to the Patriarch of the Church, he will likely not be ordained anywhere else.”
“You can do that?”
“Yes.  I am his superior and an archpriest.  I can make any decision I desire concerning his future in the Church.”
“He will never be a priest again?”
“Not likely unless the White Russians prevail.  The Reds want to destroy the Church there.”
Dobrushin led Aksinya to her usual chair, “Sit, Princess.”
Aksinya would not let Dobrushin go.  She held to him even as she sat and would not release his arm.  He moved his chair closer to her so he could sit.  Ekaterina placed a mug of hot dark tea before each of them.  She sat down.
Father Makar squinted, “Look how she clings to you.  Didn’t I tell you before, Dobrushin, she displays every indication of insanity?  You traded your future for this,” he pointed at Aksinya.

Ah, now we discover what Dobrushin truly gave up for Aksinya.  Father Makar says it.  He tells Aksinya that she should call Father Dobrushin simply Dobrushin or Herr Lopuhin.  Father Dobrushin is no longer a priest.  When he decided to defend Aksinya, Father Makar removed him from his position.  Remember, I gave you all the evidence you needed.  His beard had been cut and he wasn't wearing his collar.  Aksinya should have caught on too, but she was not thinking about that at all--not until now.

Father Makar would not permit Dobrushin to defend Aksinya.  He forbade Ekaterina to attend the trial.  We get a little history of the Russian civil war--the Reds did indeed try to destroy the church.

Watch Aksinya.  She is clinging to Dobrushin.  This is more than ever her small attempt to hold her world together.  She just learned of the sacrifice Dobrushin made for her.  She clings to him because she doesn't know any other way to comfort another person.  She clings to him because he is suddenly her only hope.  You can't miss the fact that she is also his only hope--he has given up everything for her.  Father Makar misinterprets Aksinya's actions.  He sees only that she is insane.  He can't understand her actions in any other way.  Aksinya does show such signs, but it is the result of her decisions.  She finally has someone she can cling to.  This has been Aksinya's greatest desire from the beginning.  She has put her love and attention completely on another person.  Tomorrow, the question. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A New Novel, Part 288 You Are Welcome Only Because of Her

19 July 2011, A New Novel, Part 288 You Are Welcome Only Because of Her

For those who haven’t been following this blog, let me introduce it a little. I am currently blogging my 21st novel that has the working title Daemon. The novel is about Aksinya, a sorceress, who, to save her family from the Bolsheviks, called and contracted the demon, Asmodeus. Her family was murdered anyway, and she fled with the demon from Russia to Austria.

Father Dobrushin and Aksinya have decided to marry so that they can get rid of the demon.  They believe they know how to end this problem.  They need to be married by contract in the church.  That is the first step.  They go to the Ecclesia for this reason...

When they arrived at the church, the lights were off except in the rectory.  Father Dobrushin helped Aksinya down from the carriage and they walked together to the door.  Aksinya held onto his arm.  She kept very close to him.
At Father Dobrushin’s knock, Father Makar answered the door to the rectory.  It was the same door Aksinya had fallen before when she came there to confess and be absolved.  The moment he saw them, Father Makar pressed his lips together and tried to shut the door.  Father Dobrushin held it open with his hand, “Please Father Makar.  We need you to do something for us.”
“Dobrushin, I told you before, I don’t want to have anything to do with… her.”
“This last thing we need from you.  Only you can do it for us.”
“If it has to do with the imaginary demon, you are both insane.”
They heard the voice of Ekaterina from the kitchen, “Makaruska, let them in.  There is no reason our friends should stand out in the cold night.  We have tea and a warm kitchen.”
Father Makar snarled, but he stepped out of the door way, “You are welcome only because of her.”
Aksinya and Father Dobrushin followed Father Makar into the kitchen.  Ekaterina was standing.  She embraced Aksinya and kissed her cheeks, “We heard you had been freed, and it was all because of Dobrushin.”
“Yes,” Aksinya still held to Father Dobrushin with one hand.  She put her other arm around Ekaterina, “Father Dobrushin defended me.  I am not going to prison.”

Scene setting is necessary here.  You know the Ecclesia and the rectory.  I remind you this is a church.  The description I give you shows the attention of Father Dobrushin and Aksinya.  She has totally decided to put her trust in her bridegroom (there is that metaphor again).

We see the estrangement between Father Makar and Father Dobrushin.  This is sad because they were great friends.  I remind you of the circumstances that brought Aksinya here in the first place.  This is important and you realize this, but I wanted the picture to be in your mind.  Do you remember Father Dobrushin carrying Aksinya into the rectory? 

Father Makar rejects them.  They are like Aksinya before seeking sucress and help.  Father Makar does not want to help them.  Father Dobrushin is not above begging for this help--just as Aksinya begged before this same door.  They you see the metaphor in this?

Father Makar rejects Aksinya and all she represents.  He thinks she is insane and his friend is insane to believe her.  Ekaterina speaks for them both.  She welcomes them--remember who was the strength in the Ecclesia.  They are only welcome because of Ekaterina.

I want to remind you of Aksinya's savior in the trial.  This is a metaphor too.  Ekaterina shows you this through her words and actions.  She welcomes Aksinya completely.  Aksinya demonstrates this too--she will not let go of Dobrushin.  Tomorrow, the question and some revelations.

Monday, July 18, 2011

A New Novel, Part 287 I Will Trade My Virtue to You

18 July 2011, A New Novel, Part 287 I Will Trade My Virtue to You

For those who haven’t been following this blog, let me introduce it a little. I am currently blogging my 21st novel that has the working title Daemon. The novel is about Aksinya, a sorceress, who, to save her family from the Bolsheviks, called and contracted the demon, Asmodeus. Her family was murdered anyway, and she fled with the demon from Russia to Austria.

Father Dobrushin took Aksinya to dinner.  He told her he is willing to marry her to help her be rid of the demon.  They have reached the end of their discussion--now is the time for Aksinya to decide...

Aksinya sighed, “Your words confuse me, but I am always very simple and direct.  I shall marry you.  I shall do as you ask and require.  I shall pray with you and for you.  All of this to be rid of this demon that eats away at my life and my soul.  It is a fair bargain to trade my virtue to you for all you have done for me.”
“There you are wrong, Princess.  You can desire without sin when the object of desire is appropriate.  You would not give your virtue to me and I would not give my virtue to you.  We would rather retain that virtue together in our mutual desire as husband and wife.”
Aksinya turned a gentle smile to him, “I see.  Sister Margarethe taught me you can love without lust.  Do you intend to teach me that I can love God and still possess desire?”
“I would teach you that you can still love and have desire.”  He smiled, “But you are only allowed desire for me.”
“I see.”
“We should accomplish this soon before the demon can work anymore mischief in your life.  The first step is marriage.” 
“Will Father Makar marry us?”
“I don’t know.” Father Dobrushin lowered his eyes.
“What are you not telling me?”
“It is nothing.  We will ask him tonight.  Perhaps he will do as I ask.”
They quickly finished their dinner and Father Dobrushin hired a carriage to take them to the Ecclesia.

Father Dobrushin told Aksinya that he wanted to see this whole great problem of the demon through because in it he could know the truth of spiritual things.  It made God real to him.  This is one of the subthemes of the novel.  Few patently disbelieve there is some spiritual reality.  Thoughts, emotions, the unexplained are seen to exist in the world of the spiritual.  Most of us seek the truth and reality of the spiritual world.  Because our lives are bound in thought and emotion, we recognize that inexplicable place is real, but we wish proof.  For Father Dobrushin, Aksinya is that proof.  Thus, his words confuse her--she sees them as real, he seeks their reality.  This was the metaphor in the trials.  This was the metaphor in the idea that Aksinya was not sane.  We accepted her sanity as a postulate of the novel.  We ourselves fell for the assumption of a spiritual reality based on the demon.  This is the reality Father Dobrushin wants to experience first hand through Aksinya.  He is willing to give up everything for this.

Aksinya doesn't fully understand, but she is willing to give herself to be rid of the demon.  Listen to her words, she is still in the mindset of a contract:  "It is a fair bargain to trade my virtue to you for all you have done for me.”

And here comes another subtheme explained by Father Dobrushin.  Do you remember Sister Margarethe told Aksinya she could love without desire.  Of course Ekaterina showed Aksinya about the different types of love.  Aksinya has been acting on the preface that to desire is not to really love.  Father Dobrushin is about to teach her about Greek eros.  I don't use the word in the novel because it it so misunderstood in English.  Greek eros is romantic love.  In the Christian worldview that Father Dobrushin represents, marriage is the proper place for eros, phileo, agape, and pathos (sexual love).  A husband and wife don't give up their virtue to each other, they share these loves and retain their virtue.

Father Dobrushin does love Aksinya--he is just a little embarrassed to say it.  This is cultural for the times and place.  He makes a possessive statement to her:“But you are only allowed desire for me.”

There is an element of time here.  They must hurry to see this through.  The demon still prowls the earth and he owns Aksinya through a contract.  They would enact another contract--a contract of marriage.  Of course in the old world and in ancient thought a marriage is not consummated without sex.  That is the point in Tobit.

The large question is where they will be married by contract.  This is normative for their culture and their beliefs.  They must be married in the church (it is a sacrament) before they can consummate it.  The only place they could be married is the Orthodox Church.  Remember, they are not Catholic and the Catholic Church has excluded Aksinya.  They could not excommunicate her--she was not in communion with them.

Then we begin to see there is a problem.  I foreshadowed this problem back at the secular trial.  You know there is a problem in this and Father Dobrushin has not told all.  He doesn't here either.  Soon we will see what this problem is.  Tomorrow, will Father Makar marry them?